Ocean Water

Ocean Spray® – Ocean Spray is the world’s leading producer of good for you cranberry juices, juice drinks and snacks like Craisins® Dried Cranberries.

Most of the ocean is unexplored — about 95 percent of this underwater realm is unseen by human eyes.

An ocean (from Ancient Greek Ὠκεανός, transc. Okeanós, the sea of classical antiquity) is a body of saline water that composes much of a planet’s hydrosphere

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Ocean acidification is sometimes called “climate change’s equally evil twin,” and for good reason: it’s a significant and harmful consequence of

Giant squid live up to their name: the largest giant squid ever recorded by scientists was almost 43 feet (13 meters) long, and may have weighed

Seawater, or salt water, is water from a sea or ocean. On average, seawater in the world’s oceans has a salinity of about 3.5% (35 g/L, 599 mM) This means that every

An educational internet offering for all who wish to learn about, discover, and virtually explore the ocean realm.

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CO-OPS provides the national infrastructure, science, and technical expertise to monitor, assess, and distribute tide, current, water level, and other coastal

In the U.S., where over half of us live along the coast and more than 78 percent of our overseas trade by volume comes and goes along our marine highways, the health

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The Chemistry. When carbon dioxide (CO 2) is absorbed by seawater, chemical reactions occur that reduce seawater pH, carbonate ion concentration, and saturation

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